(to build up from the foundation)
of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (NASB)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Red Light! Green Light!
Needless to say, as we looked closer to the items, we observed they were not worth the purchase. Next we drove over to Good Wood and found similar items just a tad more expensive. Because we have 2 small cars, we were unable to fix 3 of the quad cubes into our car. We were able to fix the triple cube in and off we were to the races . . . so we thought.
Upon our arrival home, we it in our school room and began to put the books on it. My vision of what I thought would be the idea situation began to fade and I became frustrated. So Christine and I took it back to Good Wood. The salesman even suggested we stack the items. That was an excellent idea but not what we needed to do. The cashier refunded our money and we were back to square one.
Instead of just trusting God's timing, I began to become "cast down." We went on to church and our last night of gardening class was an absolute blast with the children. Normally I walk with my walking buddy but she was not available so that disappointed me a little. Later on I looked on line at http://www.craigslist.com/ North Virginia to see what I could find furniture wise for our school room. Would you believe it? I saw a posting for 2 Bookcases at $55 each from Fredericksburg. Yes, folks from our area post there all the time but until now, I had not seen a posting from here. I cut and pasted their sale number and inquired. I also started praying as well.
That Thursday morning, I received a reply stating the items were available but we would not be able to view them until Friday between 12:00 - 2:00. For some reason instead of trust resting in the Lord, I began to grow more anxious and just allowed the whole situation to overwhelm me. Lest you think, "why on earth would this bother you?" What was bothering me was the fact that I had all our school items in piles in our school room area as well as in the living room area. We live in a townhouse that has restricted space. I literally asked God out loud, "when will we get to have a place that is better suited for our needs?" I thought to myself, why do all my other friends have larger spaces for their school? Thus, my thoughts began to weigh me down and frustration and discouragement took up residency.
By the time Rob got home Thursday evening, I was a mess plus he had a very hard day. In fact, neither one of us got a lot a rest that night. We shared with one another Friday afternoon how we both were in prayer during that time. We did come to this conclusion that we were experiencing a spiritual attack on our family. If homeschooling was something we could do in our own strength, then we would not need our Heavenly Father.
Friday morning after Rob had gone to work, I literally got down on my face towards the east and poured out my heart to my Heavenly Father. It was if the Holy Spirit prompted my heart to pick up my devotional book, "Streams in the Desert 2," and read the reading for the day. It was about having an oasis. I did read it and the Lord used it to gently pull me out of my slump and set my feet on higher ground. He then prompted me to write "An Oasis Is Nearby" to the next posting to my blog. I do encourage you to take the time to read it.
Later on, we received an email from the family that was selling us the bookcases, stating "for $5.00 more, they would deliver it to our house." This does happen from what I have learned but normally it is "cash and carry." The email further stated, "you can come and see them at 1:00 or so." Well, Christine and I had planned to attend REACH's Back To School Party and I would have to either take her to the party and leave her or we would be late for the party altogether. God is good! The folks wrote back and shared that they did not want us to have to change our plans and we could look at the items at 11:30 instead.
Christine and I drove over to Chancellor Village and met up with the gentleman who was offering the bookcases. They were nicer than the picture on Craigs List and I agreed to purchase them. My Dad taught me to do things upfront and honestly so I immediately gave the gentleman the money plus an extra $5.00. He and I loaded up the truck. In fact, he treated me like his daughter and was so helpful and kind. We arrived at our place and just placed the bookcases in the hallway and then he left.
The Holy Spirit prompted me to look more closely at the bookcases. One was facing backwards to the wall and the other was facing frontwards. Guess what I saw stamped on the back of one bookcase? "Ethan Allen." I immediately called Rob and he shared the good news. He jokingly said, "what you like about them is that they match our piano and so forth." I said, no, what I like about them is the fact that they are made by Ethan Allen! By then I was flying high and so very excited how God supplied abundantly and beyond our needs.
Later on that week, I shared my bookcase story with one of our neighbors and shared that we were going to be selling an oak desk. He asked, "may I see that desk?" He dropped by to check it out and asked us to wait 2 weeks before selling it because he wanted it. So we agreed to do so. On his way out, he was sharing that his daughter needing a bookcase because of all her books were scattered about in their place. We had a bookcase that had been given us and it no longer fitted our needs so I helped him carry this bookcase to his house 2 doors down.
You see God does meet our needs in ways sometimes we may not even imagine and then He gives us an opportunity to meet the needs of others. This neighbor is now in the process of moving but we believe we have shared Jesus with Him in several tangible ways as well as verbally.
Before we went on vacation, he and I worked on the front yards together. I mowed and he weed-eated the yards. Recently the Lord impressed on my heart to continue to mow the front yards even if no one says thank you. In fact, the neighbor 3 doors down is moving and I shared with their daughter that we would be missing them because they have been excellent neighbors, she said, "so have you."
Bottom line, we are "Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding and in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will make our paths straight." God's timing is always on time. It's us that are out of sync, not the Father.
My encouragement to each of us is to be still long enough to listen to the Father and to continue to immerse ourselves in His Word learning passages that speak of God's timing and His great provision. Let's not allow the enemy to control the "spiritual traffic signals" of our lives.
Let's turn our waiting on the Lord into resting in the Lord! What an excellent combination that is.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Getting Back To The Basics
Likewise, the modern Christian church is advertising this and that, yet the content inside is diminishing and the Gospel message is unrecognizable in some churches. There is a lot of "rethinking" going around. It's okay to evaluate one's priorities and goals. I'm fine with that. What disturbs me to the core of my soul is that there seems to be a perversion of the Gospel. A sort of 'dumbing down the church.'
Rob and I have this devotional book, "The Morning Watch or Thoughts for the Quiet Hour" by Belle M. Brain. It is 110 years old but oh so relevant today. Please allow me to share what I read.
September 11 - Dwight L. Moody
"Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read. --- Isaiah 34:16
Hints about Bible Study
I have been wonderfully blessed in studying the Bible, by taking up one book at a time. I used to try to read the Bible through in a year. I would as soon read a dictionary that way now. Sometimes I want something to stir me up; others days I want something to comfort me. When you read right through, you don't get much comfort. It is a great deal better, if seems to me, to take up a book at a time.
Or take a character or a type. How many antetypes there were of Christ! --- Adam, Abel, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and so on all through the Old Testament. Another good way is to take a subject. That's how we get grounded in the fundamental truths of the bible. Take "Repentance," for example. Read up everything you can find about repentance. Take time. Suppose you spend a month; you couldn't spend it better.
Let the Bible speak for itself. Don't listen to what this man and that man says about it, but study the Bible. And as Bishop Stevens used to say, "Don't study it with your little red lamp of Methodism, or your little blue light of Presbyterianism, or the light of the Episcopal Church, but just the light of Calvary." Come without prejudice, and say, "Whatever this book teaches I must receive." --- "TEN DAYS WITH MOODY."
I truly believe with all the available resources we have at our finger tips, we have become spiritually lazy. It is easier to opt for the most popular author's book study about the Bible rather than just dig into the Bible ourselves. There are software programs along with excellent Study Bibles that are available to help us actually study the Bible itself. It is assumed perhaps by leadership that the person in the pew is not smart enough to study God's Word for themselves. If they truly wanted a revolution of heart, mind and soul, then God's Word would be taught line upon line and precept upon precept.
One only has to take the time to read Paul's writings without any presuppositions to understand how the love of Christ compels us and propels us to tell others of Christ. We may have spiritual batteries inside but perhaps they are not in the right direction, thus no current is flowing. Man cannot energize us, only the power of the Holy Spirit to a heart and mind that is seeking Christ.
To say, "you must do this to be successful as a Christian," is absurd. I take my marching orders from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He's the author and finisher of my faith, not the most popular Christian guru.
So my challenge for all of us to is hide God's Word in our hearts that we might not sin against Him. To literally get ourselves immersed in God's Word that we know Him, not just things about Him. That we have a true honor and respect for our Creator. He's not our buddy. Yes, we can consider Him our best friend. But to bring Him down to us is lessening His Deity. He is our Abba Father for sure. Yet positionally He is still the Father and we, the child. I think what bothers me is how casually Jesus is sometimes referred to . . . as if He was one of our chums. He's Holy God Jehovah and we are to reverence Him with all our whole being.
Indeed let's get back to the basics. Whose boot camp are you in? Christ's or the latest trend in Christianity?
Friday, September 07, 2007
Announcing ~ A Special Tribute To My Mom Coming Soon!!!
Many have shared with me that they are amazed as to my recollection of my Mom's sayings and her tremendous impact in and on my life. She has been in heaven now 22 years and the legacy continues. I believe the impact we leave on others has consequences in the present as well as in the future. Let's ask our Heaven Father to guide us in this crucial adventure.
I share this announcement in today's blog to let you know that my special tribute to my Mom is coming this moth of September. Before it can be posted, I will need to scan a picture of my Mom so I can input it within the text. Please pray for me as I prepare to share some of my reflections and experiences that I have in my personal treasure box. It will have it's teary eyed moments . . . even now as I'm giving this announcement my eyes are filled with tears. Less you think that all you need to have on hand with this blog is a box of tissues, don't worry, you will laugh as well.
Lately I've been very weepy. It may be hormonal as well since I'm in the joy of menopause. If you're there, you can say, "Amen sister!" If not, you'll be there one day. We'll be there to help. Smile!
Bottom line we all have "A Legacy of Love," to give to our husband and our children as well as to those around us. A dear friend reminded me this morning that God put Christine and I together and we are uniquely made for one another. If you're having one of those moments . . . run into the loving arms of the Father. He's waiting and will provide extraordinary comfort, wisdom and grace.
It's God who begins the work of salvation in our lives and He will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.
A closing thought, some of my friends have dubbed me the "font queen." I'm honored. Interesting note, the name of the font for this particular posting and when I send out the actual tribute will be "Georgia." Cool, aye! Mom would get a big chuckle out this. She would be so proud. Hee! Hee!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Playing Favorites
My Mom taught me by word and deed that no one is better than me and I am not better than others. I remember one time Mom sharing that she treated the cleaning folks who took care of her office with the same respect she gave to the president of her company. God is not a respecter of persons so why are we?
First and foremost, our sinful nature kicks in and we make poor choices. Sometimes intentionally and sometimes just out of habit. Regardless, the outcome still remains the same. I read in 1 Corinthians 12 how the body of Christ is suppose to function together. Just consider our knees, they are not the most desirable body part but should they weaken, we would be hard pressed to function. In verse 18, we read this, "But as it is, God has placed and arranged the limbs and organs in the body, each [particular one] of them, just as He wished and saw fit and with the best adaptation." The dilemma is not with God, it's with us. We either get in the way or we attempt to tell God how the body of Christ should be constructed. Stop and think . . . that would be like the art pad telling Michelangelo how to paint.
Not too long ago, someone shared this with me, "you have a gift to include the outcasts." At first it took me back until the individual explained their statement. What she shared was that God has gifted me to reach out to others and to find ways to include them. Sometimes, Rob and I jokingly say, "we're friendship brokers." Although at times we feel the loneliest folks around.
There was a gospel song that went like this, "There's plenty of room in the family, there's room for the young and the old, . . ." I am sad to say far too often that this isn't the theme of some Christian circles today. It's more like this "There's plenty of room in the family, if you wear certain kinds of fashions, own your large homes, and so forth." Elitism is in the church whether you agree with me or not, it is a reality. People are hurting and we're playing games at the foot of the cross. Using buzz words will not help or jumping aboard the current trend in church life will not solve it. It's a heart issue that needs to be changed from the inside out.
The Apostle Paul had a burning compassion and genuine love for the churches he ministered to and with. He didn't need to have some kind of "spiritual pep rally," to propel him out into the world or to help him love the people more. Read with me in 2 Corinthians 5:14 -18 in the Amplified Bible.
- 14 For the love of Christ controls and urges and impels us, because we are of the opinion and conviction that [if] one died for all, then all died;
- 15 And He died for all, so that all those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake.
- 16 Consequently, from now on we estimate and regard no one from a [purely] human point of view [in terms of natural standards of value]. [No] even though we once did estimate Christ from a human viewpoint and as a man, yet now [we have such knowledge of Him that] we know Him no longer [in terms of the flesh].
- 17 Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!
-18 But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him].
Jesus Christ gave us the ministry of reconciliation to bring others to Him. We do not read in this passage that we are to make sure they become like us. No, we are to bring others to Christ. He is the object not us.
God's ways are so much higher than our ways. We cannot pick and choose Scripture to support or under gird our behavior. We must come to God's Word and allow Him to bring light and illumination to our hearts and mind. Romans 12:10 states, "love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family], giving precedence and showing honor to one another."
We read in 1 Peter 3:8-12, the following ~
- 8 Finally, all [of you] should be of one and the same mind (united in spirit), sympathizing [with one another], loving [each other] as brethren [of one household], compassionate and courteous (tenderhearted and humble).
- 9 Never return evil for evil or insult for insult (scolding, tongue-lashing, berating), but on the contrary blessing [praying for their welfare, happiness, and protection, and truly pitying and loving them]. For know that to this you have been called, that you may yourselves inherit a blessing [from God--that you may obtain a blessing as heirs, bringing welfare and happiness and protection].
- 10 For let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days [good--whether apparent or not] keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from guile (treachery, deceit).
- 11 Let him turn away from wickedness and shun it, and let him do right. Let him search for peace (harmony; undisturbedness from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts) and seek it eagerly. [Do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, with your fellowmen, and with yourself, but pursue, go after them!]
- 12 For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God), and His ears are attentive to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who practice evil [to oppose them, to frustrate, and defeat them]. [Ps 34:12-16.]
I am not a Pollyanna and I do not operate in a bubble. When we do things God's way, will we suffer or will we be misunderstood? Yes. Read all of 1 Peter in context and you will discover that reality. My Dad, whenever I would get discouraged for doing something I knew was biblically correct, my Dad would laugh and say, "young lady, you are in good company," and would quote Matthew 5 and other passages in I Peter. Plus remind me that I was in good company with earlier saints.
Perhaps our dear brothers and sisters in Christ around world know this more than what we know in America because they have had to literally suffer and die for their faith in Christ. We are experiencing some persecution in our country now, but I know that the fire could grow hotter in the not so distant future.
Meanwhile, we must rid ourselves of elitism and superiority. There isn't any passage in Scripture that would back up the sinful notion of elitism. In Philippians 2, we read that Jesus emptied Himself for our sake so we are not greater than our Lord.
My parents were intentional in their mission to insure that the foundation was laid for myself as well as my brothers. A passage that is woven within the fabric of my heart, mind, soul, and being is found in 1 Peter 4:8-11. Let's read what Peter wrote in this wonderful passage.
- 8 Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others]. [Pr 10:12.]
- 9 Practice hospitality to one another (those of the household of faith). [Be hospitable, be a lover of strangers, with brotherly affection for the unknown guests, the foreigners, the poor, and all others who come your way who are of Christ's body.] And [in each instance] do it ungrudgingly (cordially and graciously, without complaining but as representing Him).
- 10 As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God's many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely Diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor].
- 11 Whoever speaks, [let him do it as one who utters] oracles of God; whoever renders service, [let him do it] as with the strength which God furnishes abundantly, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever (through endless ages). Amen (so be it).
Please hear my heart. I share this not to say I have arrived or have all the answers. I cannot fit into your heads and minds insofar as to know what you think or why you do what you do. God's grace and mercy in my life has allowed some insights as to why we play favorites or demonstrate an attitude of "elitism" among brothers and sisters in Christ. Oh yes, I did say with fellow Christians. We expect the lost to cop attitudes and such, but when it becomes a lifestyle or a habit among believers, it is very disturbing. Please hear my heart, I know that I have not arrived and fall short so many times. I think perhaps out of insecurity this occurs; like an over compensation of one's abilities and limitations.
Let's examine what James 2 states,
- 1 MY BRETHREN, pay no servile regard to people [show no prejudice, no partiality]. Do not [attempt to] hold and practice the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ [the Lord] of glory [together with snobbery]!
- 2 For if a person comes into your congregation whose hands are adorned with gold rings and who is wearing splendid apparel, and also a poor [man] in shabby clothes comes in,
- 3 And you pay special attention to the one who wears the splendid clothes and say to him, Sit here in this preferable seat! while you tell the poor [man], Stand there! or, Sit there on the floor at my feet!
- 4 Are you not discriminating among your own and becoming critics and judges with wrong motives?
- 5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and in their position as believers and to inherit the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him?
- 6 But you [in contrast] have insulted (humiliated, dishonored, and shown your contempt for) the poor. Is it not the rich who domineer over you? Is it not they who drag you into the law courts?
- 7 Is it not they who slander and blaspheme that precious name by which you are distinguished and called [the name of Christ invoked in baptism]?
In conclusion, it does take an intentional act to be inclusive and not to cave into "playing favorites." Will you loose some friends as the result of changing your attitudes and your heartbeat, yes! Let's get out of the way and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives reproving where we need reproof and correcting where we need correction. It should be our heart's desire to be the man or woman of God that is complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:17).
A personal note, I do hold a seminary degree and God has allowed me some marvelous life experiences along the way. However, if I neglect to do what the Bible actually teaches whether on purpose or accidentally, it still is an offense to our Lord. Let's cut to the chase and quit throwing around a lot of spiritual terminology and love the Lord and others in His love and His power. Whenever, I find myself getting too big for my britches, the Holy Spirit quickly brings to my heart and mind this resounding verse in Romans.
Let me share it with you. Romans 5:8 states, "But God shows and clearly provides His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us." That reality always keeps me in check and I realize how sinful I really am. But by the grace of God, I am what I am because of Christ. Nothing in my hand I bring, but only to Your cross, I cling.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
One only has to visit a local Christian bookstore or go on line to see the myriad of spirituality that is available. To think that all books or authors are the same is naive. Just because it is part of the merchandise doesn't mean that is biblically sound.
There is no substitute for taking time to immerse one's self into God's Word. In Psalm 119:11, we read, "Thy word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against Thee." God's Word not man's words. I do appreciate the many resources we have to assist us in growing in our relationship with Christ. However, THERE IS NO SHORT CUTS, NO CLIFF NOTES FOR ACTUALLY READING AND APPLYING GOD'S WORD INTO OUR HEARTS AND MINDS. Oh yes, that does include our MINDS.
Paul writes in Romans 12:1-2, "I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." We're to renew our minds, not remove our minds.
A challenge I give to myself as well as to each of you is, am I spending time studying the Bible precept upon precept, line upon line or am I opting for the pop Christian bestseller or reading books about the Bible? There is a huge difference. God's Word must have priority over and above secondary sources and resources which could possibly take away or diminish His Word. Please understand. I am not opposed to commentaries or books that compliment biblical teaching. I enjoy excellent books that challenge me to draw closer to Christ. The key is where do you and I go first?
In the Amplified Bible, we read this from 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no case to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth." It does not read, trying to lessen the meaning of the Bible to make it more palatable for today's seeker-sensitive culture." No indeed.
Let's read further in 2 Timothy in chapter 3, verses 14-17 from the Amplified Bible as well.
- 12 Indeed all who delight in piety and are determined to live a devoted and godly life in Christ Jesus will meet with persecution [will be made to suffer because of their religious stand].
- 13 But wicked men and imposters will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray others and being deceived and led astray themselves.
- 14 But as for you, continue to hold to the things that you have learned and of which you are convinced, knowing from whom you learned [them],
- 15 And how from your childhood you have had a knowledge of and been acquainted with the sacred Writings, which are able to instruct you and give you the understanding for salvation which comes through faith in Christ Jesus [through the leaning of the entire human personality on God in Christ Jesus in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness].
- 16 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action),
- 17 So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.
In today's culture, there is a trend even in evangelical churches to lessen what the Bible actually teaches. Some are even trying to rewrite Paul's writings as well. We are to come to God's Word without our presuppositions and agenda and allow it to correct us. When we try to add or subtract, we have heresy, false teaching and deception. Not any of us are immune from that reality. Culture has changed, but Christ does not!
Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages.) Hebrews 13:8.
At the close of the book of the Revelation, we reading these sobering words in chapter 22, verses 14-21:
- 14 Blessed (happy and to be envied) are those who cleanse their garments, that they may have the authority and right to [approach] the tree of life and to enter through the gates into the city. [Ge 2:9; 3:22,24.]
- 15[But] without are the dogs and those who practice sorceries (magic arts) and impurity [the lewd, adulterers] and the murderers and idolaters and everyone who loves and deals in falsehood (untruth, error, deception, cheating).
- 16 I, Jesus, have sent My messenger (angel) to you to witness and to give you assurance of these things for the churches (assemblies). I am the Root (the Source) and the Offspring of David, the radiant and brilliant Morning Star. [Isa 11:1,10.]
- 17 The [Holy] Spirit and the bride (the church, the true Christians) say, Come! And let him who is listening say, Come! And let everyone come who is thirsty [who is painfully conscious of his need of those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, and strengthened]; and whoever [earnestly] desires to do it, let him come, take, appropriate, and drink the water of Life without cost. [Isa 55:1.]
- 18 I [personally solemnly] warn everyone who listens to the statements of the prophecy [the predictions and the consolations and admonitions pertaining to them] in this book: If anyone shall add anything to them, God will add and lay upon him the plagues (the afflictions and the calamities) that are recorded and described in this book.
- 19 And if anyone cancels or takes away from the statements of the book of this prophecy [these predictions relating to Christ's kingdom and its speedy triumph, together with the consolations and admonitions or warnings pertaining to them], God will cancel and take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the city of holiness (purity and hallowedness), which are described and promised in this book.
- 20 He Who gives this warning and affirms and testifies to these things says, Yes (it is true). [Surely] I am coming quickly (swiftly, speedily). Amen (so let it be)! Yes, come, Lord Jesus!
- 21 The grace (blessing and favor) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with all the saints (God's holy people, those set apart for God, to be, as it were, exclusively His). Amen (so let it be)!
I choose to stand upon the Solid Rock Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior in His truth, not man's interpretation or a remix of the TRUTH. The role of the Holy Spirit in my life and yours is to interpret God's truth in us and to us. (1 Corinthians 2:13)