But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma
of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (NASB)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

End of the Year Reflections

For our family, 2008 was a year of changes. Sometimes when one is in the midst of those changes and life's challenges, it is easy to overlook the positive and the blessings. So as I started to ponder the events of 2008 in my personal life and that of my family, here are some of the blessings we received this year. This is not a final account of them, but the ones that have come to my heart and mind as I'm blogging this afternoon.

* Faithful to lead us in family devotions.
* Taught an 8 week Apologetics class at New City Fellowship
* Led a weekend Apologetics Conference at the Pittsylvania Baptist Association, in Danville, VA
* Teaches at the Fredericksburg Bible Institute on Thursday evenings
* Thankful for speaking opportunities. 
* Blood pressure is becoming regulated.
* Prayer Request - more speaking engagements in the area of Apologetics.

* Played Upward Basketball between January and March.
* In May, Christine completed book 3 in T-n-T.
* Played the piano several times at Greenfield Assisted Living.
* Had a Spring piano recital.
* Continues to make excellent progress in her piano and music skills.
* Began Classical Conversations this Fall and is enjoying it.
* Gave 7 oral presentations in CC and continues to improve each time.
* Memorized 12 weeks work of facts for CC this Fall.
* Enjoys reading and being read to.
* Enjoys spending time with friend, Rachel.
* Enjoying AWANA at Trinity Bible Church and her 3 leaders.
* Had her 1st hair up do for Christmas Piano Recital.
* Played Away in a Manger & The Little Drummer Boy at recital.
* She had own personal fan club of 8 friends attend to cheer her on.
* She was literally on cloud nine.
* A favorite pastime is going bowling.
* Wants to learn to play tennis.
* Prayer Request - that she take ownership of her faith and grow more in Christ. 
* Health Prayer Request for Christine - last night, we noticed that her hair has thinned significantly. Pray for an appointment to be available when we call. For peace for Christine as she doesn't like going to the doctor.

* Completed the book, "Self Talk, Soul Talk," by Jennifer Rothschild
* Blessed to serve with Bev, our good friend and with Christine ministering at Greenfield Assisted Living for almost 2 years.
* Continue to experience issues with thyroid. 
* Restructured my blog; blogging more; fun outlet
* Best year homeschooling Christine. 
* Enjoying CC with Christine
* We attend a Sunday evening class "Theology 101," while Christine is in AWANA.
* Was blessed to participate in our Christmas Eve by playing the piano.
* Prayer Request - to grow closer to the Lord; improve health via exercise and better eating habits. That I will be consistent in my teaching of Christine and to disciple her as well.

Memories Made As A Family
* Enjoyed the Restoration Celebration of Montpelier on September 17. Heard Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. What an incredible day and memorable day that was.
* Have been more faithful to our family devotions.
* God moved us to a new church this past fall.
* Started some new traditions as a family at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
* Prayed for the folks who sent us Christmas cards nightly.
* This year, we made filling our stockings extra special.
* Prayer Request as a family is summarized in Colossians 4:6, "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. {NKJV}

Happy & Sad Events (for our favorite sport teams)
* Will watch NFL playoffs. Hoping for a total PA Super Bowl!  This is a biggie since I am not normally a fan of PA teams.  
* Bruins are playing well - as of 1/4/09
* Both Rice & UH won bowl games; who would have thunk it?
* Texans end their season, 8-8; much improved; maybe next year in the playoffs
* Patriots fall short, no playoff bid; Cassel did an outstanding job!
* Texans beat Titans, 13-12 &  Cowboys beat Giants, 20-8 (Dec 14) - good week for Texas Pro Teams!!!
* Celtics beat the Lakers!!!!  They are NBA World Champions!
* Patriots lost to Giants in the Super Bowl, 17-14 back in February 2008.

So as we concluded 2008, did we accomplish all we wanted to do?  No. Did we made some mistakes along the way? Yes. Is God still on His throne and faithful to every detail of our lives?  We rejoice in what He has done and look forward to what He will do in 2009!

If you want to be encouraged, take time to enumerate the various events in your life and family's lives this past year, I promise you will see with fresh eyes just how marvelous the Lord has been to you. I can testify to that reality for that is what happened as I sat down to write this entry.
He is enough!

Kathy, Rob & Christine
Jeremiah 29:11-13; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 1:6

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