But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma
of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (NASB)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gratitude for President George W. Bush!

The months during the Presidential election and the days leading up to the Inauguration,  have given me cause to ponder the state of our nation. A blessing that has come through these events is a renewed commitment to pray for our nation and those who lead our nation.

The part of the Inauguration that the media seemed to have little or any interest in was how President Bush and Laura exited their role with such dignity and humility. Since I'm a Texan, it was important for me to find coverage of President Bush's return to Texas. I was blessed by his kind remarks and I truly believe them to be sincere. There was not a hint of resentment towards the negative media and his critics. 

Which brings me to explain how today's entry was conceived. I follow a friend's blog, "Twilight Vespers." This morning, I clicked on to it and read Tuesday's entry, "3051." At first, I didn't understand the rationale for such a title until I read the complete entry.

As I read it, along with one of the comments that had been posted to this entry, my appreciation and gratitude deepened for President Bush. Rob and I had discussed been how history will view his presidency. We both agreed in time, history will be kind and we will see the good that was done. 

To read my friend's article, please click here. Do take the time to read it along with one of the comments that was posted to this entry. You will find a detail list of what was accomplished during Bush's presidency.

Ultimately, we all will have to answer to God whether we believe in or acknowledge Him. I believe the reason why President Bush can transition to private life is because he did his very best as unto the Lord. In stating this, I do not agree with everything that was done. Nonetheless, there are many things we can all appreciate and respect.

Truth will prevail and God is our defender! I believe President Bush understands that truth and lives it.

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