But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma
of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (NASB)

Friday, April 10, 2009

You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

No where but the good old "USA," do we have news headlines being devoted to such important topics as the type of puppy our Vice President should or should not have. Give me a royal break!

Let's see . . . "U.S.-registered Maersk Alabama cargo ship attacked by Somalia's pirates vs. Vice President Biden getting a pedigree puppy?" Any right-thinking and right-acting individual would say, "let the Bidens have their choice of puppies." If by chance, the Bidens lead the public to believe they were going to get a shelter puppy and they didn't, that would be sad. Yet would it be the first time a politician misled any of us? I am for telling the truth, however, this is not a battle to engage in.

We have a freighter that is attacked by Somali pirates and we're sending death threats to a lady who has the right to earn a living the way she chooses. Apparently these crackpots in the PETA organization think they only have a right to voice their opinion and do whatever they want. Yet they do not extend the same freedoms to Ms. Brown. Double-minded and double standard at best.

I have absolutely no patience for the PETA folks who are more concerned about the rights of animals than any human lives. They will fight with great hostility and even do things illegally to promote their cause. Where were they when President Obama overturned much of President Bush's pro-life legislation? If we're all animals, why are they not protecting babies in the womb? Makes you want to go, hmm!

To conclude, it's okay to kill babies in the womb and support Planned Parenthood, but to buy a pedigree puppy, what an outrage!  One only as to look at many PETA and read articles about their organization to realize that they can be mean-spirited and promote violence when it promotes their cause and agenda. Perhaps the rebuttal to this headline should be "MUCH TO DO ABOUT NOTHING!"

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